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Super Vilitra (Vardenafil & Dapoxetine) Tablets


Generic Name : Vardenafil & Dapoxetine
Brand Name : Super Vilitra
Manufacturer : Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
Delivery Time : 6 To 15 days

SKU: N/A Category:

Super Vilitra Description

Super Vilitra is a successful medication used to treat ineptitude and erectile brokenness in men. Purchase Super Vilitra Store appropriately in a cool, obscure spot at room temperature.

The predominance of ED increments with age. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t influence youngsters. This sickness influences men at all phases of their lives.

With ED, men can’t accomplish or keep up with the hard erection important to fulfill their sexual way of behaving. purchase super vilitra best cost at genericpharmamall.


Super Vilitra joins two medications into one and is utilized to treat both erectile brokenness and untimely discharge conditions. It is settled in India and is made by Centurion Laboratories Private Limited which produces vardenafil and dapoxetine.

Super vilitra is a solitary tablet comprising of a blend of 20 mg vardenafil and 60mg dapoxetine, vardenafil is a sort 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor (PDE5 inhibitor), and dapoxetine is a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor Agent (SSRI), both known as Levitra and Priligy. The dynamic fixing contained in the medication.


Super Vilitra is a sound nonexclusive Levitra strain containing 60mg dapoxetine.

By and large, alongside erectile brokenness, men can likewise experience the ill effects of untimely discharge. Erectile brokenness and untimely discharge are normal sexual issues, and these dysfunctions can’t be forever relieved, yet are effectively treated with Super Vilitra tablets.

Assuming a man has erectile brokenness, it is because of an absence of satisfactory blood supply to the pivot of the penis during aggravation or sexual feeling. Men need sufficient blood to erection and have a hard penis. You can’t appreciate effective sex.


Erectile Dysfunction

Men with erectile brokenness convey a sort 5 cGMP-explicit phosphodiesterase protein that cutoff points blood stream to the penis when the man is physically unsettled. Super Vilitra contains the PDE5 inhibitor vardenafil. PDE5 inhibitors loosen up the penis, widen the veins that line the penis, increment blood stream to the penis, reinforce the penis, and effectively treat erectile brokenness.

Untimely Ejaculation

Untimely discharge is a condition wherein a man discharges semen rapidly subsequent to engaging in sexual relations with his accomplice. This condition is exceptionally poor for them, and when Superbilitra is joined with dapoxetine, this medication defers climax by forestalling untimely discharge. Consequently, Super Bilitra can fix these sexual dysfunctions on the double.


To engage in sexual relations with your accomplice, utilize the Super Vilitra Tablets. Require just once at regular intervals. Assuming that you want another portion, stand by no less than 24 hours. Flush the tablet with water all in all, without biting or breaking it. You can eat them together, however don’t eat greasy food varieties. The beginning of organization might be postponed.

This treatment of oral erectile brokenness and untimely discharge starts in the body in the span of 30 minutes to 1 hour and is successful for 5-6 hours. Try not to surpass or change the recommended portion to stay away from the gamble of excess.


  • headache
  • Washing
  • Nasal congestion
  • dizzy
  • Photosensitivity
  • Blurred view
  • The difficulty of distinguishing between blue and green shades
  • dizzy
  • Swirl
  • weak
  • Chest pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Hand pain
  • nausea
  • Blindness (RARE)
  • Deafness (RARE)
  • Priapism (rare)


Drugs that interface with other Medicine

  • Atazana Building
  • Independent guide
  • Litoner
  • Saquinavir
  • Amiodarone
  • Procainamide
  • Quinidine
  • Sortal roll
  • Drondaron
  • Itraconazole
  • Ketoconazole
  • Tamsulo God
  • Terazosin
  • Prazosin
  • Snake
  • Alpeugeot God
  • Clarithromycin
  • erythromycin


Super Vilitra tablets are a mix of vardenafil and dapoxetine. In this manner, utilize no medication, medication, or substance that contains both of these two fixings. This builds the measurements, makes you more vulnerable to ingest too much, and causes genuine aftereffects. Impact.

  • Try not to utilize Vilitra tablets assuming you have been recommended prescriptions that contain vardenafil or dapoxetine. Try not to utilize this medication with other PDE5 inhibitors, for example, sildenafil citrate or tadalafil.
  • Let your primary care physician know if you experience the ill effects of low circulatory strain. Taking this medication can bring down blood compelled by loosening up the veins in your body, so your PCP ought to screen your wellbeing subsequent to taking this medication.
  • This medication is utilized simply by individuals matured 18 to 64 who have been determined to have erectile brokenness and untimely discharge. This medication ought to be utilized uniquely as coordinated and ought not be utilized as a treatment. Whenever utilized, your wellbeing will endure.
  • Whether you drink grapefruit squeeze or eat grapefruit with vardenafil and dapoxetine in Super Vilitra tablets that stay in your body, the mix of these fixings unfortunately affects your body.
  • While these medications are in your body, stay away from liquor or drinking in moderate sums totally as they can bring down pulse, cause unsteadiness, and, surprisingly, faint.
  • Super Vilitra can obscure vision, cause languor and in any event, swooning, and requires interesting consideration and consideration while driving, working hardware, dealing with infants, swimming, sailing, and so on. Try not to engage in what you do.
  • The seriousness and clinical records of draining sicknesses like liver, kidney, visual, and cardiovascular infections, hemophilia and von Willebrand’s illness. In the event that you have some other ailments or hereditary problems, request your PCP to preclude potential intensifications from this medication.

There are doses of various strength of Vilitra Generic Vardenafil available such as :

Vilitra is delivered in pills in the portion of 10mg, 20mg, 40mg, and 60mg. A dosing plan is individual and relies upon the body of a man.

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