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Fildena Strong 120mg (Sildenafil) Tablets


Brand name – Fildena Strong

Generic name – Sildenafil 120mg

Manufacturer – Fortune Health Care

Packaging – 10 tablets in 1 strip

SKU: N/A Category:


FILDENA STRONG 120 belongs to the group of medicines called phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE 5) inhibitors primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in adult men. Additionally, FILDENA STRONG 120 may also be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) in adults to improve the ability to exercise and to slow down clinical worsening

FILDENA STRONG 120 works by using relaxing the blood vessels inside the penis, thereby permitting the blood to flow into the penis whilst the person is sexually excited. Thus, FILDENA STRONG 120 allows treat erectile disorder. FILDENA STRONG 120 relaxes the blood vessels, increases the blood supply to the lungs and reduces the workload of the heart. Thereby, treating pulmonary high blood pressure.

You are counseled to take FILDENA STRONG 120 for as long as your medical doctor has prescribed it for you, relying to your scientific situation. In some instances, FILDENA STRONG 120 may additionally motive facet outcomes such as headache, nausea, dizziness, indigestion and stomach dissatisfied. Most of those aspect outcomes do no longer require medical attention and will solve progressively through the years. However, you’re recommended to speak in your doctor in case you experience those facet results persistently.

Do now not take FILDENA STRONG 120 MG in case you are allergic to any of the components or if you are taking nitrate drugs or riociguat (a drug used to deal with pulmonary hypertension). FILDENA STRONG 120 isn’t advocated to be used in youngsters. Consult your medical doctor in case you revel in listening to or visual impairment. Avoid consumption of alcohol as it could impair your potential to get an erection. Taking FILDENA STRONG 120 after a heavy meal would possibly take longer time for the medication to work; consequently you are recommended to take FILDENA STRONG 120 with light food.


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Fildena Strong 120 mg prescribed for the men who are suffering from the erectile dysfunction problem. Erectile brokenness is a typical issue looked by numerous men everywhere. The fundamental justification behind this issue is a result of pressure and responsibility pressure, thus, showing impacts in absence of rest and ill-advised diet and eventually influencing the sexual coexistence which is intellectually and genuinely disturbing numerous young fellows. To defeat such issues purchase Fildena very dynamic 100mg and fildena XXX pill is the best arrangements. so then you can purchase fildena ct 100 mg online in the USA on our site with free delivery on orders of $199. Here you can likewise see the expense of this pill.


Fildena 120mg is endorsed for Male weakness which is normally alluded to as erectile brokenness is a typical issue today looked by numerous youngsters. Conventionally, male barrenness is seen in more established individuals in view of more established age, however presently a day it’s turned into a typical issue for young fellows. Male barrenness is influencing sexual life and causing a distinction among the accomplices. Individuals going through such issues are recommended to this medication regularly. To defeat from this issue purchase fildena red 120 from our internet based store today.


These medications have 25mg, 120mg, 100mg, Extra Power 150mg, 200mg Tablets is the assortment of a few meds which are gathered in a deliberate amount and made a compound called phosphodiesterase Type 5 inhibitors in which the fundamental fixing is Sildenafil which is an equivalent dynamic specialist in Viagra. This compound aides men in accomplishing the penis erection and supports the development all through the sex period. This prescription assists in permitting the higher blood with streaming into the penis during the sexual movement. Fildena natural product bite 100mg medication adds to a sexual excitement drug just however not as a medium to expand the sexual longing. have you chosen to purchase fildena 100mg on the web (purple triangle pill) so we have for you this pills.


The best and the most secure way is to take a portion of Fildena tablet one hour before the Sexual Activities. Fildena Professional can the taken regardless of food however the treatment makes more difference on the off chance that the low-fat dinner is considered as the fat containing feasts lessens the effect of the measurements of the medication so to accomplish a decent outcome low-fat eating regimen is best. The nonexclusive Sildenafil Medication should be regulated orally by drinking adequate measure of water. Continuously follow fildena 100 bearings on the most proficient method to utilize.


This conventional sildenafil citrate pill is accessible in various amount of doses.  For instance, it very well may be tracked down in 120 Mg, 100 Mg, and 200 Mg measurements. For the amateurs, 100Mg Soft tablets are suggested. Assuming it feels excessively and it causes a few incidental effects, subsequent to counseling the doctor one can settle on 120 Mg tablets. The individuals who find 100 MG tablets are not sufficiently viable; fildena 200mg tablets are proposed to them.

Of the ones who have taken this item, every one of them say that the outcomes are something similar. They partake in the item and its impact on their sexual experiences. Your measurement of this medication might vary in light of your age. For more youthful men with ED, results may be seen with modest Fildena 100mg Tablets 120. With more seasoned men who have ED, a more grounded dose might be required.


Contact a specialist right away if an excess on fildena 100 purple is thought. You could require quick clinical consideration if the excess is extreme.

Missed Dose

Accept the missed portion when you recall. It very well may be skipped assuming it nearly time for the following booked portion. This applies to conditions like Pulmonary Hypertension where the portion routine is fixed.


Major side effect

The symptoms may differ from person to person few may show the signs of Indigestion, diarrhea and in some cases Painful and Prolonged Erection which is a severe side effect that requires immediate medical attention. Apart from these, other side effects of fildena 120 are as follows

  • blurred vision
  • nausea
  • facial flushing
  • blocked nose
Minor side effect

Every medication has side effects, and the side effects symptoms differ as per usage and person’s health condition. As generic viagra drug functions on the blood and enzymes. The side effects impact on the increase in blood pressure which leads to stroke, fainting, and dizziness. Moreover, few side effects like

  • numbness in the jaw
  • nasal congestion
  • headache
  • rashes
  • chest pain


For taking any drug prescriptions, certain safeguards are expected to be thought of. These precautionary measures are generally exhorted by the specialists who prescribe the prescriptions to patients. Like other drug pills, precautionary measures ought to be taken when you choose consuming this tablet.

General Instructions :

Before taking this drug user must always check the ingredient present in the drug to ensure that they are not allergic to the ingredient used in the pill.

Moreover, in case if the patient has any medical history of any disease, then they should consult the doctor and let them know the condition of the health and proceed as per the doctor’s instruction.


  • If a patient is undergoing any disease treatment then the usage of the medicine should be avoided as it may regulate the high blood pressure in the patients and some cases, it may lead to heart attack conditions also so it advisable not to take this medication under any medication.Patients with a clinical history of coronary illness.
  • Patient with hypertension condition and diabetic patients.
  • This medication isn’t endorsed to the patients who are under the drug of nitrates or nitrogen related meds and stringently not indicated to the pregnant lady.
  • On the off chance that assuming the patient is taking drugs with includes in utilizing nitrate or nitrogen, then, at that point, they ought to stay away from this medication.
  • Stay away from admission of liquor while utilizing fildena delicate tabs as it might show impacts like tiredness.
  • Grapefruit, as well as grapefruit juice, ought not be polished off when you are endorsed to take this medication.
  • Fat rich food varieties ought to be stayed away from when under the course of this medication.


Packing Size

100 Pills, 300 Pills

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